新城家电 发表于 2023-7-26 19:59:57



* convertCurrencyToChinese - 数字转成汉字
* @params num === 要转换的数字
* @return 汉字
* <br>*/<br>function convertCurrencyToChinese(num) {
    return '零';
// Constants:
const MAXIMUM_NUMBER = 99999999999.99;
// Predefine the radix characters and currency symbols for output:
const CN_ZERO = "零";
const CN_ONE = "壹";
const CN_TWO = "贰";
const CN_THREE = "叁";
const CN_FOUR = "肆";
const CN_FIVE = "伍";
const CN_SIX = "陆";
const CN_SEVEN = "柒";
const CN_EIGHT = "捌";
const CN_NINE = "玖";
const CN_TEN = "拾";
const CN_HUNDRED = "佰";
const CN_THOUSAND = "仟";
const CN_TEN_THOUSAND = "万";
// const CN_SYMBOL = "人民币";
const CN_DOLLAR = "元";
const CN_TEN_CENT = "角";
const CN_CENT = "分";
const CN_INTEGER = "整";
// Variables:
// let integral; // Represent integral part of digit number.
// let decimal; // Represent decimal part of digit number.
let outputCharacters; // The output result.
// let parts;
// let digits;
// let radices;
// let bigRadices;
// let decimals;
let zeroCount;
let i;
let p;
let d;
let quotient;
let modulus;
let currencyDigits = num;
// Validate input string:
currencyDigits = currencyDigits.toString();
if (currencyDigits === "") {
    // alert("Empty input!");
    return "";
if (currencyDigits.match(/[^,.\d]/) != null) {
    // alert("Invalid characters in the input string!");
    return "";
if ((currencyDigits).match(/^((\d{1,3}(,\d{3})*(.((\d{3},)*\d{1,3}))?)|(\d+(.\d+)?))$/) == null) {
    // alert("Illegal format of digit number!");
    return "";
// Normalize the format of input digits:
currencyDigits = currencyDigits.replace(/,/g, ""); // Remove comma delimiters.
currencyDigits = currencyDigits.replace(/^0+/, ""); // Trim zeros at the beginning.
// Assert the number is not greater than the maximum number.
if (Number(currencyDigits) > MAXIMUM_NUMBER) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    return "";
// Process the coversion from currency digits to characters:
// Separate integral and decimal parts before processing coversion:
const parts = currencyDigits.split(".");
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let = parts;
if (parts.length > 1) {
    // Cut down redundant decimal digits that are after the second.
    decimal = decimal.substr(0, 2);
// Prepare the characters corresponding to the digits:
const digits = ;
const radices = ["", CN_TEN, CN_HUNDRED, CN_THOUSAND];
const bigRadices = ["", CN_TEN_THOUSAND, CN_HUNDRED_MILLION];
const decimals = ;
// Start processing:
outputCharacters = "";
// Process integral part if it is larger than 0:
if (Number(integral) > 0) {
    zeroCount = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < integral.length; i++) {
      p = integral.length - i - 1;
      d = integral.substr(i, 1);
      quotient = p / 4;
      modulus = p % 4;
      if (d === "0") {
      else {
      if (zeroCount > 0) {
          outputCharacters += digits;
      zeroCount = 0;
      outputCharacters += digits + radices;
      if (modulus === 0 && zeroCount < 4) {
      outputCharacters += bigRadices;
    outputCharacters += CN_DOLLAR;
// Process decimal part if there is:
if (decimal !== "") {
    for (i = 0; i < decimal.length; i++) {
      d = decimal.substr(i, 1);
      if (d !== "0") {
      outputCharacters += digits + decimals;
// Confirm and return the final output string:
if (outputCharacters === "") {
    outputCharacters = CN_ZERO + CN_DOLLAR;
if (decimal === "") {
    outputCharacters += CN_INTEGER;
return outputCharacters || '';

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查看完整版本: js将数字金额转换成中文金额格式