使用Python中的random 模块的数字猜测游戏
我们的程序做的第一件事是接受用户的上限和下限作为输入。这可以用Python内置的input() 方法来完成。
input() 方法从命令行中读取输入,并将其作为一个字符串返回。这里唯一的问题是,我们想输入整数值。
我们可以把我们的input() 方法包在内置的int() 方法里面来解决这个问题。这将把input() 方法返回的输入字符串转换成一个整数值。
lower_limit = int(input("Please enter the Lower Limit"))
upper_limit = int(input("Please enter the Upper Limit"))
print("Lower Limit =", lower_limit)
print("Upper Limit =", upper_limit)输出:
Please enter the Lower Limit0
Please enter the Upper Limit99
Lower Limit = 0
Upper Limit = 99我们可以在输入input() 方法里面的数据作为输入参数的同时,写出我们要显示给用户的信息。由于我们有下限和上限,我们可以很容易地写一些代码,在这个范围内生成一个随机的整数。
我们可以使用Python中内置的random 模块来执行这项任务,称为random.randint() 方法。它将下限和上限作为输入参数,并返回该范围内的一个整数。
下一个代码例子显示了如何使用Python的random.randint() 方法在指定范围内生成一个随机的整数。
import random
number = random.randint(lower_limit, upper_limit)
print("Random Number =", number)输出:
Random Number = 47到目前为止,我们已经从用户那里获取了极限值,并在这些极限值内生成了一个随机整数。我们必须把用户的猜测与随机生成的数字进行比较。
这可以通过将input() 方法与一个简单的if/else块相结合来实现。
guess = int(input("Guess the number"))
if guess == number:
print("Yes, You are correct")
print("Incorrect Answer!")输出:
Guess the number15
Incorrect Answer!这里唯一的问题是,它没有给我们提供猜出正确数字的线索。它告诉我们是对还是错,这不是一个有趣的游戏方式。
win = False
while win != True:
guess = int(input("Guess the number"))
if guess == number:
win = True
print("Yes, You are correct")
elif guess < number:
print("You are a little shorter")
print("You are a little larger")输出:
Guess the number5
You are a little shorter
Guess the number95
You are a little larger
Guess the number47
Yes, You are correct我们使用了一个while 循环,因为我们不知道用户要经过多少次试验才能得到正确的答案。我们创建了一个标志变量win ,告诉while循环何时停止,而win 变量被设置为False ,直到用户猜对数字为止。
win = False
steps = 0
while win != True:
guess = int(input("Guess the number"))
steps += 1
if guess == number:
win = True
print("Yes, You are correct")
print("Number of Trails =", steps)
elif guess < number:
print("You are a little shorter")
print("You are a little larger")输出:
Guess the number22
You are a little shorter
Guess the number44
You are a little shorter
Guess the number47
Yes, You are correct
Number of Trails = 3我们添加了一个步骤计数器,记录了用户完成游戏所花的试验次数。
import random
lower_limit = int(input("Please enter the Lower Limit"))
upper_limit = int(input("Please enter the Upper Limit"))
number = random.randint(lower_limit, upper_limit)
win = False
steps = 0#Python小白学习交流群:711312441
while win != True:
guess = int(input("Guess the number"))
steps += 1
if guess == number:
win = True
print("Yes, You are correct")
print("Number of Trails =", steps)
elif guess < number:
print("You are a little shorter")
print("You are a little larger")输出:
Please enter the Lower Limit0
Please enter the Upper Limit10
Guess the number5
You are a little larger
Guess the number2
You are a little shorter
Guess the number3
You are a little shorter
Guess the number4
Yes, You are correct
Number of Trails = 4输出显示,游戏只运行了一次。它不会让用户继续玩游戏,直到他们感到厌烦。
import random
play = True
while play == True:
lower_limit = int(input("Please enter the Lower Limit"))
upper_limit = int(input("Please enter the Upper Limit"))
number = random.randint(lower_limit, upper_limit)
win = False
steps = 0
while win != True:
guess = int(input("Guess the number"))
steps += 1
if guess == number:
win = True
print("Yes, You are correct")
print("Number of Trails =", steps)
elif guess < number:
print("You are a little shorter")
print("You are a little larger")
replay = int(input("Enter -1 to replay the game."))
if replay != -1:
play = False输出:
Please enter the Lower Limit1
Please enter the Upper Limit3
Guess the number2
You are a little larger
Guess the number1
Yes, You are correct
Number of Trails = 2
Enter -1 to replay the game.-1
Please enter the Lower Limit1
Please enter the Upper Limit3
Guess the number2
You are a little larger
Guess the number1
Yes, You are correct
Number of Trails = 2
Enter -1 to replay the game.0我们创建了另一个标志变量,play ,告诉我们的外部或主循环何时停止执行。如果用户提供了除-1 以外的任何数字,外循环将停止执行,假设用户已经厌倦了反复玩这个游戏。
这是一个非常简单的游戏实现。我们在代码中只导入了random 模块来生成一个随机数。
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