MySQL Community Server 社区版本,开源免费,自由下载,但不提供官方技术支持,适用于大多数普通用户。
MySQL Enterprise Edition 企业版本,需付费,不能在线下载,可以试用30天。提供了更多的功能和更完备的技术支持,更适合于对数据库的功能和可靠性要求较高的企业客户。
MySQL Cluster 集群版,开源免费。用于架设集群服务器,可将几个MySQL Server封装成一个Server。需要在社区版或企业版的基础上使用。
MySQL Cluster CGE 高级集群版,需付费。
安装 mysql yum源
- [root@web ~]# wget https://repo.mysql.com//mysql84-community-release-el9-1.noarch.rpm
- [root@web ~]# yum install ./mysql84-community-release-el9-1.noarch.rpm
- [root@web ~]#
复制代码 安装成功后,查看MySQL版本:
- [root@web ~]# yum repolist all | grep mysql
- mysql-8.4-lts-community MySQL 8.4 LTS Community Server 启用
- mysql-8.4-lts-community-debuginfo MySQL 8.4 LTS Community Server 禁用
- mysql-8.4-lts-community-source MySQL 8.4 LTS Community Server 禁用
- mysql-cluster-8.0-community MySQL Cluster 8.0 Community 禁用
- mysql-cluster-8.0-community-debuginfo MySQL Cluster 8.0 Community - 禁用
- mysql-cluster-8.0-community-source MySQL Cluster 8.0 Community - 禁用
- mysql-cluster-8.4-lts-community MySQL Cluster 8.4 LTS Communit 禁用
- mysql-cluster-8.4-lts-community-debuginfo MySQL Cluster 8.4 LTS Communit 禁用
- mysql-cluster-8.4-lts-community-source MySQL Cluster 8.4 LTS Communit 禁用
- mysql-cluster-innovation-community MySQL Cluster Innovation Relea 禁用
- mysql-cluster-innovation-community-debuginfo MySQL Cluster Innovation Relea 禁用
- mysql-cluster-innovation-community-source MySQL Cluster Innovation Relea 禁用
- mysql-connectors-community MySQL Connectors Community 启用
- mysql-connectors-community-debuginfo MySQL Connectors Community - D 禁用
- mysql-connectors-community-source MySQL Connectors Community - S 禁用
- mysql-innovation-community MySQL Innovation Release Commu 禁用
- mysql-innovation-community-debuginfo MySQL Innovation Release Commu 禁用
- mysql-innovation-community-source MySQL Innovation Release Commu 禁用
- mysql-tools-8.4-lts-community MySQL Tools 8.4 LTS Community 启用
- mysql-tools-8.4-lts-community-debuginfo MySQL Tools 8.4 LTS Community 禁用
- mysql-tools-8.4-lts-community-source MySQL Tools 8.4 LTS Community 禁用
- mysql-tools-community MySQL Tools Community 禁用
- mysql-tools-community-debuginfo MySQL Tools Community - Debugi 禁用
- mysql-tools-community-source MySQL Tools Community - Source 禁用
- mysql-tools-innovation-community MySQL Tools Innovation Communi 禁用
- mysql-tools-innovation-community-debuginfo MySQL Tools Innovation Communi 禁用
- mysql-tools-innovation-community-source MySQL Tools Innovation Communi 禁用
- mysql80-community MySQL 8.0 Community Server 禁用
- mysql80-community-debuginfo MySQL 8.0 Community Server - D 禁用
- mysql80-community-source MySQL 8.0 Community Server - S 禁用
- [root@web ~]#
复制代码 安装MySQL
- [root@web ~]# yum install mysql-community-server
- 启动MySQL服务
- [root@web ~]# systemctl start mysqld
- 确认MySQL正常启动
- [root@web ~]# systemctl status mysqld
- 设置MySQL开机自启动
- [root@web ~]# systemctl enable mysqld
- 查看生成 MySQL root用户临时密码:
- [root@web ~]# grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
复制代码 修改root用户密码
- # 登录数据库
- [root@web ~]# mysql -uroot -p
- Enter password:
- Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
- Your MySQL connection id is 8
- Server version: 8.4.3
- Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
- affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
- owners.
- Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
- mysql>
- mysql>
- mysql>
- # 修改root密码
- mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Password@2024';
- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
- mysql>
复制代码 设置远程登录
- # 查看默认库
- +--------------------+
- | Database |
- +--------------------+
- | information_schema |
- | mysql |
- | performance_schema |
- | sys |
- +--------------------+
- 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- mysql>
- # 选择使用mysql库
- mysql> use mysql;
- Reading table information for completion of table and column names
- You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
- Database changed
- mysql>
- # 查询用户表
- mysql> select host, user, authentication_string, plugin from user;
- +-----------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+
- | host | user | authentication_string | plugin |
- +-----------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+
- | localhost | mysql.infoschema | $A$005$THISISACOMBINATIONOFINVALIDSALTANDPASSWORDTHATMUSTNEVERBRBEUSED | caching_sha2_password |
- | localhost | mysql.session | $A$005$THISISACOMBINATIONOFINVALIDSALTANDPASSWORDTHATMUSTNEVERBRBEUSED | caching_sha2_password |
- | localhost | root | $A$005$@c%qYYPJ~F-qAGZDHB6e7/1eEIz5VmK2O87RS12HBQpiPrZ7nVNqHX/D3 | caching_sha2_password |
- +-----------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+
- 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- mysql>
- # 修改root的授权
- mysql> update user set host='%' where user='root';
- Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
- Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
- mysql>
- # 需要执行俩次
- mysql> Grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%';
- ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT
- mysql>
- mysql> Grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%';
- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
- mysql>
- # 刷新权限
- mysql> flush privileges;
- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
- mysql>
- mysql>
- # 再次查看用户表
- mysql> select host, user, authentication_string, plugin from user;
- +-----------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+
- | host | user | authentication_string | plugin |
- +-----------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+
- | % | root | $A$005$@c%qYYPJ~F-qAGZDHB6e7/1eEIz5VmK2O87RS12HBQpiPrZ7nVNqHX/D3 | caching_sha2_password |
- | localhost | mysql.infoschema | $A$005$THISISACOMBINATIONOFINVALIDSALTANDPASSWORDTHATMUSTNEVERBRBEUSED | caching_sha2_password |
- | localhost | mysql.session | $A$005$THISISACOMBINATIONOFINVALIDSALTANDPASSWORDTHATMUSTNEVERBRBEUSED | caching_sha2_password |
- +-----------+------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+
- 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- mysql>
复制代码 测试连接
- # 使用其他主机进行登录数据库
- [root@k8s-master01 ~]# mysql -u root -p -h
- Enter password:
- Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
- Your MySQL connection id is 8
- Server version: 8.4.3 MySQL Community Server - GPL
- Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
- affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
- owners.
- Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
- mysql>
- mysql>
- mysql>
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