RHEL7.x 或CentOS 7.x
- 最小化安装
- 配置好固定的IP,能访问互联网
- 配置好yum源(yum repolist 可以查看yum源)
- 本地光盘
- 挂载光盘,开机自动挂载
- vim + /etc/fstable
- /dev/sr0 /mnt iso9660 defaults 0 0
- 创建挂载点目录:
- 挂载:mount -a
- 配置yum源:
- yum-config-manger --add-repo=file:/// media/cdrom
- echo "gpgcheck = 0" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/media_cdrom.repo
查看系统shell类型:- [root@template ~]# cat /etc/shells
- /bin/sh
- /bin/bash
- /usr/bin/sh
- /usr/bin/bash
复制代码 查看当前默认shell:- [root@template ~]# echo $SHELL
- /bin/bash
复制代码 快速如何快速生成脚本开头的版本版权注释信息
- [root@template ~]# cat ~/.vimrc
- autocmd BufNewFile *.go,*.py,*.cc,*.sh,*.java exec ":call SetTitle()"
- func SetTitle()
- if expand("%:e") == 'sh'
- call setline(1,"#!/bin/bash")
- call setline(2,"#########################")
- call setline(3,"#File name:".expand("%"))
- call setline(4,"#Version:v1.0")
- call setline(5,"#Email:admin@test.com")
- call setline(6,"#Created time:".strftime("%F %T"))
- call setline(7,"#Description:")
- call setline(8,"#########################")
- call setline(9,"")
- endif
- endfunc
复制代码 修改Tab缩进
- 在/etc/vim/下有两个文件,分别为vimrc 和vimrc.tiny
- 在vimrc文件中加入:set tabstop=4
复制代码 流程控制与判断练习:
- [root@template chap04]# cat ping.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #########################
- #File name:ping.sh
- #Version:v1.0
- #Email:admin@test.com
- #Created time:2023-03-23 17:32:18
- #Description:
- #########################
- read -p "please enter your host:" host
- if ping -c2 $host &> /dev/null
- then
- echo "$host is running"
- else
- echo "$host is down"
- fi
复制代码 2、判断一个用户是否存在
- [root@template chap04]# cat user.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #########################
- #File name:user.sh
- #Version:v1.0
- #Email:admin@test.com
- #Created time:2023-03-23 17:45:03
- #Description:
- #########################
- read -p "please enter a username:" username
- if id $username &> /dev/null
- then
- echo "$username is exist"
- else
- echo " $username is not exist "
- fi
复制代码 3、判断当前内核主版本是否为3,且次版本是否大于10
- [root@template chap04]# cat sys.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #########################
- #File name:sys.sh
- #Version:v1.0
- #Email:admin@test.com
- #Created time:2023-03-23 17:52:56
- #Description:
- main_version=`uname -r | awk -F . '{print $1 }'`
- minor_version=`uname -r | awk -F . '{print $2}'`
- if [ "$main_version" -eq 3 ] && [ "$minor_version" -ge 10 ]
- then
- echo "主版本是:$main_version 次版本是:$minor_version"
- else
- echo "不满足条件,此系统的主版本是:$main_version 次版本是:$minor_version"
- fi
复制代码 4、判断vsftpd软件包是否安装,如果没有则自动安装
- #!/bin/bash
- #########################
- #File name:isvsftp.sh
- #Version:v1.0
- #Email:admin@test.com
- #Created time:2023-03-23 18:05:56
- #Description:
- #########################
- if rpm -qa | grep vsftpd &> /dev/null
- then
- echo "vsftp is exist"
- else
- echo "vsftp is not exist"
- read -p "please enter your choice:" choice
- if [ $choice -eq 1 ]
- then
- yum install vsftpd -y &> /dev/null
- else
- echo " break and uninstall"
- fi
- fi
- # 测试结果:最初环境没有安装,选择时随机输入,最后选择安装,最后一次测试检查是否安装成
- [root@template chap04]# ./isvsftp.sh
- vsftp is not exist
- please enter your choice:2
- break and uninstall
- [root@template chap04]# ./isvsftp.sh
- vsftp is not exist
- please enter your choice:1
- [root@template chap04]# ./isvsftp.sh
- vsftp is exist
复制代码 5、判断httpd是否运行
- # 也不算完整:先检测是否安装htppd.service此软件,注意centos7版本中自带一个httpd-xxx的工具,所以在写服务时最好加上httpd.service,程序流程:如果包存在,直接输出active,如果不存在就选择是否安装
- [root@template chap04]# cat httpd.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #########################
- #File name:httpd.sh
- #Version:v1.0
- #Email:admin@test.com
- #Created time:2023-03-23 18:20:59
- #Description:
- #########################
- if rpm -qa | grep httpd.service &> /dev/null
- then
- echo "system `systemctl is-active httpd`"
- else
- echo "httpd is uninstall"
- read -p " please enter your choice : " choice
- if [ $choice -eq 1 ]
- then
- yum install httpd -y &> /dev/null
- systemctl restart httpd
- else
- echo " break and uninstall"
- fi
- fi
复制代码 6、判断指定的主机是否能ping通,必须使用$1变量
- [root@template chap04]# cat ping2.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- #########################
- #File name:ping2.sh
- #Version:v1.0
- #Email:admin@test.com
- #Created time:2023-03-23 18:55:21
- #Description:
- #########################
- if ping -c1 $1 &> /dev/null
- then
- echo "$1 is runing"
- else
- echo "$1 is dead"
- fi
- [root@template chap04]# ./ping2.sh
- is runing
- [root@template chap04]# ./ping2.sh baidu.com
- baidu.com is runing
复制代码 7、报警脚本,要求如下
配合crond每5分钟检查一次- yum install mailx -y &> /dev/null
- #!/bin/bash
- total_mem=$(free -m | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2 | head -2 | tail -1)
- used_mem=$(free -m | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3 | head -2 | tail -1)
- used_memper=$(echo "scale=2;$used_mem/$total_mem*100" | bc)
- total_root=$(df | grep "/"$ |tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2)
- used_root=$(df | grep "/"$ |tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 4)
- free_rootper=$(echo "scale=2;$used_root/$total_root*100" | bc)
- v1=$(echo "used_memper > 80" | bc)
- v2=$(echo "free_rootper < 20" | bc)
- if [ $v1 -eq 1 ];then
- echo "内存已用空间大于80%" | mail -s "警告信息" alice
- elif [ $v2 -eq 1 ];then
- echo "根分区剩余空间小于20%" | mail -s "警告信息" alice
- else
- echo "正常使用"
- fi
复制代码 8、判断用户输入的是否是数字,如果是数字判断该数字是否大于10
- [root@template chap04]# cat num.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- read -p "please input a num:" num
- if echo " $num" | grep " [ 0-9 ]" &> /dev/null
- then
- if [ $num -gt 10 ]
- then
- echo "$num is more than 10"
- else
- echo "$num is less than 10"
- fi
- else
- echo "input a num!!!"
- fi
复制代码 9、计算用户输入的任意两个整数的和、差、乘积、商、余数
- a=$1
- b=$2
- if [ $# -eq 2 ]
- then
- if [[ "$a" =~ ^[0-9]*$ && "$b" =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]
- then
- echo "a、b Is an integer"
- echo a+b=$((a+b))
- echo a-b=$((a-b))
- echo a*b=$((a*b))
- echo a/b=$((a/b))
- echo a%b=$((a%b))
- else
- echo "a,b Is not an integer"
- exit 0
- fi
- else
- echo "The number of parameters is 2"
- exit 0
- fi
复制代码 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/sre-chan/-------------------------------------------
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