- name = 'ABDMLBM'
- height = 175
- weight = 140
- # "My name is 'Nick', my height is 180, my weight is 140"
- print('My name is %s,my height is %s,my weight is %s'%(name,height,weight))
- print('My name is {},my height is {},my weight is {}'.format(name,height,weight))
- print(f'My name is {name},my height is {height},my weight is {weight}')
复制代码 2.输入姑娘的年龄后,进行以下判断:
- 如果姑娘小于18岁,打印“不接受未成年”
- 如果姑娘大于18岁小于25岁,打印“心动表白”
- 如果姑娘大于25岁小于45岁,打印“阿姨好”
- 如果姑娘大于45岁,打印“奶奶好”
- while True:
- girl_age =int( input('输入美女年龄'))
- if girl_age < 18:
- print('不接受未成年')
- elif girl_age >= 18 and girl_age < 25:
- print('心动表白')
- elif girl_age >= 25 and girl_age < 45:
- print('阿姨好')
- else :
- print('奶奶好')
复制代码 3.预习while循环,打印1-100之间的偶数:
- i = 1
- while i < 101:
- oi = i % 2
- if oi == 0:
- print(i)
- i += 1
复制代码 4.通过预习写一个猜年龄游戏,需求:给定一个标准年龄,用户通过输入年龄判断年龄是否等于标准年龄,如果等于——打印猜对了;如果小于——打印猜小了;如果大于——打印猜大了,增加用户输入年龄功能,并可以参考while循环博客,为应用程序添加循环。
- 允许用户最多尝试3次
- 每尝试3次后,如果还没猜对,就问用户是否还想继续玩,如果回答Y或y, 就继续让其猜3次,以此往复,如果回答N或n,就退出程序
- 如果猜对了,就直接退出
- age = 25
- count = 0
- while count < 4:
- user_age = int(input('请输入你的年龄:'))
- if user_age == age:
- print('你猜对了')
- break
- elif user_age > age:
- print('你猜大了')
- else:
- print('你猜小了')
- count += 1
- if count != 3 :
- continue
- else:
- print('你已经猜了三次,答"Y"或者"y"还想再玩,答"N"或者"n"退出')
- user_player = input('请输入:')
- if user_player == "Y" or user_player == "y":
- count = 0
- else:
- break
复制代码 5.统计s = 'hello alex alex say hello sb sb'中每个单词的个数
- s = 'hello alex alex say hello sb sb'
- l=s.split()
- print(l)
- dic = {}
- for item in l:
- if item in dic:
- dic[item]=dic[item]+1
- else:
- dic[item]=1
- print(dic)
复制代码 6.统计一篇英文文章内每个单词出现频率,并返回出现频率最高的前10个单词及其出现次数
- from collections import Counter
- import re
- with open('a.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- txt = f.read()
- c = Counter(re.split('\W+',txt)) #取出每个单词出现的个数
- print(c)
- ret = c.most_common(10) #取出频率最高的前10个
- print(ret)
复制代码 7.冒泡排序
- def mao_pao(li):
- for i in range(len(li)):
- for j in range(len(li)):
- if li[i] < li[j]:
- li[i],li[j] = li[j] ,li[i]
- import random
- li = list(range(10))
- random.shuffle(li)
- print(li)
- mao_pao(li)
- print(li)
复制代码 8.删除列表中的重复元素
- #方式一
- li = [1,5,5,4,12,3,1,5]
- print(list(set(l)))
- #方式二
- li = [1,5,5,4,12,3,1,5]
- def func(li):
- l = []
- for i in li:
- if i not in l:
- l.append(i)
- return l
- print(func(li))
复制代码 9.二分查找
[code]#方式一:递归版li = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]def erfen(li,aim ,start=0 ,end=len(li)-1): if start aim : #如果中间的值比目标值大,就从左边找 return erfen(li,aim,start,mid-1) elif li[mid] |