如果纯软件使用那就太费系统资源了。于是就想到了使用全志R528 自带的G2D功能(硬件加速功能)。
使用它进行旋转,后又发现uboot阶段系统没有G2D导致开机logo不能自动旋转,内核启动后G2D 启动logo 又旋转了。
于是就需要把uboot 阶段手动把图片数据旋转过来。在G2D启动前把uboot 传递给内核的logo 图片数据也旋转过来。
1、由于此前公版默认在modules.mk屏蔽了屏旋转相关配置, 如果你的版本是禁用旋转的, 需要把相关配置去掉.
以下3个相关选项- CONFIG_DISP2_SUNXI=m \
2、硬件旋转需要确保G2D驱动已经使能- make kernel_menuconfig
- Device Drivers --->
- <*> SUNXI G2D Driver
- [*] sunxi g2d mixer module
- [*] sunxi g2d rotate module
- [] sunxi sync fence implement for rotate jobs synchronous
复制代码 3.打开显示驱动旋转支持- make kernel_menuconfig
- Device Drivers --->
- Graphics support --->
- Frame buffer Devices --->
- Video support for sunxi --->
- DISP2 Framebuffer rotation support (Disable rotation) --->
- ( ) Disable rotation
- ( ) Software rotation support (不要选这个,方案未支持)
- (X) Hardware(G2D) rotation support (选择G2D旋转)
复制代码 4.dts配置
board.dts 和 uboot-board.dts同步修改.- &disp{
- .....
- disp_rotation_used = <1>;/* 使能旋转功能 */
- degree0 = <2>; /* X:screen index; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree */
- fb0_width = <800>;/*fb 的长宽交换*/
- fb0_height = <480>;
- .....
- };
5.旋转后framebuffer编程是需要注意,旋转后的buffer不会直接显示到屏幕上, 需要在应用刷屏的地方调用FBIOPAN_DISPLAY接口.同步旋转后的buffer到LCD上.
- 路径:package/gui/littlevgl-6/lv_drivers/display/fbdev.c
- void fbdev_flush(lv_disp_drv_t * drv, const lv_area_t * area, lv_color_t * color_p){
- ....
- lv_disp_flush_ready(drv);
- ioctl(fbfd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &vinfo); /*函数最后,在刷屏函数后面,调用 FBIOPAN_DISPLAY 接口*/
- }
- main()<br>{
- int fp=0;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- fp = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
- if(fp < 0) {
- printf("Error : Can not open framebuffer device/n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(ioctl(fp, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo)){
- printf("Error reading variable information/n");
- exit(3);
- }
- vinfo.xoffset = 0;
- vinfo.yoffset = 0; <br>}
- void sys_paint(void) // 每次重绘调用一次
- {
- ioctl(fbfd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &vinfo); /*函数最后,在刷屏函数后面,调用 FBIOPAN_DISPLAY 接口*/
- }
复制代码 二、uboot阶段手动修改旋转图片数据
追踪uboot logo 执行过程- static int run_main_loop(void)
- {
- ....
- initr_sunxi_plat,
- #endif
- ....
- }
- initr_sunxi_plat
- {
- ....
- void board_bootlogo_display(void);
- board_bootlogo_display();
- #else
- ....
- }
- void board_bootlogo_display(void)
- {
- ....
- #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_SUNXI_BMP)
- sunxi_bmp_display("bootlogo.bmp"); //指定bootlogo的名字。通过修改这个地方可以修改指定logo的名称
- #elif defined(CONFIG_CMD_SUNXI_JPEG)
- sunxi_jpeg_display("bootlogo.jpg");
- #endif
- ....
- }
- int sunxi_bmp_display(char *name)
- {
- int ret = -1;
- char *argv[6];
- char bmp_head[32];273
- char bmp_name[32];
- char part_info[16] = {0};
- char size[32] = {0};
- int partno = -1;
- unsigned long file_size = 0;
- char *bmp_head_addr;
- struct bmp_image *bmp;
- bmp = memalign(CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE, ALIGN(sizeof(struct bmp_header), CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE));
- if (bmp) {
- sprintf(bmp_head, "%lx", (ulong)bmp);
- } else {
- pr_error("sunxi bmp: alloc buffer for %s fail\n", name);
- goto out;
- }
- partno = sunxi_partition_get_partno_byname("bootloader"); /*android*/
- if (partno < 0) {
- partno = sunxi_partition_get_partno_byname(
- "boot-resource"); /*linux*/
- if (partno < 0) {
- pr_error("Get bootloader and boot-resource partition number fail!\n");
- goto free1;
- }
- }
- snprintf(part_info, 16, "0:%x", partno);
- strncpy(bmp_name, name, sizeof(bmp_name));
- snprintf(size, 16, "%lx", (ulong)sizeof(struct bmp_header));
- argv[0] = "fatload";
- argv[1] = "sunxi_flash";
- argv[2] = part_info;
- argv[3] = bmp_head;
- argv[4] = bmp_name;
- argv[5] = size;
- if (do_fat_fsload(0, 0, 6, argv)) {
- pr_error("sunxi bmp info error : unable to open logo file %s\n",
- argv[4]);
- goto free1;
- }
- if ((bmp->header.signature[0] != 'B') ||
- (bmp->header.signature[1] != 'M')) {
- pr_error("this is not a bmp picture\n");
- goto free1;
- }
- file_size = bmp->header.file_size;
- bmp_head_addr = memalign(CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE, ALIGN(file_size, CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE));
- if (bmp_head_addr) {
- sprintf(bmp_head, "%lx", (ulong)bmp_head_addr);
- } else {
- pr_error("sunxi bmp: alloc buffer for %s fail\n", name);
- goto free1;
- }
- snprintf(size, 16, "%lx", (ulong)file_size);
- tick_printf("bmp_name=%s size %ld\n", bmp_name, file_size);
- if (do_fat_fsload(0, 0, 6, argv)) {
- pr_error("sunxi bmp info error : unable to open logo file %s\n",
- argv[4]);
- goto free2;
- }
- //在调用show_bmp_on_fb 之前将bmp_head_addr中的图片数据进行旋转
复制代码 // 调用旋转函数
rotateBMP180(bmp_head_addr);- ret = show_bmp_on_fb(bmp_head_addr, FB_ID_0);
- if (ret != 0)
- pr_error("show bmp on fb failed !%d\n", ret);
- free2:
- free(bmp_head_addr);
- free1:
- free(bmp);
- out:
- return ret;
- }
复制代码 旋转函数:
主要发现uboot 阶段malloc不能申请太大的内存空间,所以代码中申请的行的大小。- #pragma pack(push, 1)
- typedef struct {
- uint16_t type;
- uint32_t size;
- uint16_t reserved1;
- uint16_t reserved2;
- uint32_t offset;
- } BMPFileHeader;
- #pragma pack(pop)
- // 定义BMP图像信息头结构体
- #pragma pack(push, 1)
- typedef struct {
- uint32_t header_size;
- int32_t width;
- int32_t height;
- uint16_t planes;
- uint16_t bit_count;
- uint32_t compression;
- uint32_t image_size;
- int32_t x_pixels_per_meter;
- int32_t y_pixels_per_meter;
- uint32_t colors_used;
- uint32_t colors_important;
- } BMPInfoHeader;
- #pragma pack(pop)
- // 旋转BMP图像180度
- void rotateBMP180(char * bmp_head_add) {
- // 读取文件头
- BMPFileHeader* file_header = (BMPFileHeader*)bmp_head_add;
- // 读取图像信息头
- BMPInfoHeader* info_header = (BMPInfoHeader*)(bmp_head_add + sizeof(BMPFileHeader));
- // 获取图像宽度、高度和每行像素所占字节数
- int32_t width = info_header->width;
- int32_t height = info_header->height;
- uint32_t row_size = (info_header->bit_count * width + 31) / 32 * 4;
- // 创建临时缓冲区存储旋转后的图像数据
- uint8_t* temp_data = (uint8_t*)malloc(row_size);
- if (temp_data == NULL) {
- printf("Failed to allocate memory for temporary data.\n");
- return;
- }
- // 旋转图像
- for (int32_t row = 0; row < height / 2; ++row) {
- for (int32_t col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
- // 计算当前像素位置和对应的对称像素位置
- int32_t original_index = row * row_size + col * 3;
- int32_t symmetric_index = (height - 1 - row) * row_size + (width - 1 - col) * 3;
- // 交换像素颜色值
- uint8_t temp_red = bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + original_index];
- uint8_t temp_green = bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + original_index + 1];
- uint8_t temp_blue = bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + original_index + 2];
- bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + original_index] = bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + symmetric_index];
- bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + original_index + 1] = bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + symmetric_index + 1];
- bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + original_index + 2] = bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + symmetric_index + 2];
- bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + symmetric_index] = temp_red;
- bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + symmetric_index + 1] = temp_green;
- bmp_head_add[file_header->offset + symmetric_index + 2] = temp_blue;
- }
- }
- // 释放临时缓冲区内存
- free(temp_data);
- }
追踪内核执行过程- disp_module_init{
- ........
- platform_driver_unregister(&disp_driver);
- #ifndef CONFIG_OF
- platform_device_unregister(&disp_device);
- #endif
- ........
- }
- static int disp_probe(struct platform_device *pdev){
- ........
- bsp_disp_init(para);
- ........
- }
- static s32 disp_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
- {
- ........
- lcd_init();
- bsp_disp_open();
- fb_init(pdev);
- ........
- }
- s32 fb_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
- {
- ........
- ret = display_fb_request(i, &fb_para);
- ........
- }
- static s32 display_fb_request(u32 fb_id, struct disp_fb_create_info *fb_para)
- {
- ........
- Fb_map_kernel_logo(sel, info);
- ........
- }
- static int Fb_map_kernel_logo(u32 sel, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- ........
- paddr = bootlogo_addr;
- if (paddr == 0) {
- __inf("Fb_map_kernel_logo failed!");
- return Fb_copy_boot_fb(sel, info);
- }
- ........
- }
- static int Fb_copy_boot_fb(u32 sel, struct fb_info *info)
- {
- enum {
- };
- char *boot_fb_str = NULL;
- char *src_phy_addr = NULL;
- char *src_addr = NULL;
- char *src_addr_b = NULL;
- char *src_addr_e = NULL;
- int src_width = 0;
- int src_height = 0;
- int fb_height = 0;
- int src_bpp = 0;
- int src_stride = 0;
- int src_cp_btyes = 0;
- int src_crop_l = 0;
- int src_crop_t = 0;
- int src_crop_r = 0;
- int src_crop_b = 0;
- char *dst_addr = NULL;
- int dst_width = 0;
- int dst_height = 0;
- int dst_bpp = 0;
- int dst_stride = 0;
- int ret;
- unsigned long map_offset;
- if (info == NULL) {
- __wrn("%s,%d: null pointer\n", __func__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- boot_fb_str = (char *)disp_boot_para_parse_str("boot_fb0");
- if (boot_fb_str != NULL) {
- int i = 0;
- char boot_fb[128] = { 0 };
- int len = strlen(boot_fb_str);
- if (sizeof(boot_fb) - 1 < len) {
- __wrn("need bigger array size[%d] for boot_fb\n", len);
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy((void *)boot_fb, (void *)boot_fb_str, len);
- boot_fb[len] = '\0';
- boot_fb_str = boot_fb;
- for (i = 0;; ++i) {
- char *p = strstr(boot_fb_str, ",");
- if (p != NULL)
- *p = '\0';
- if (i == BOOT_FB_ADDR) {
- ret = kstrtoul(boot_fb_str, 16,
- (unsigned long *)&src_phy_addr);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_phy_addr fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_WIDTH) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_width);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_width fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_HEIGHT) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_height);
- fb_height = src_height;
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_height fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_BPP) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_bpp);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_bpp fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_STRIDE) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_stride);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_stride fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_CROP_L) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_crop_l);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_crop_l fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_CROP_T) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_crop_t);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_crop_t fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_CROP_R) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_crop_r);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_crop_r fail!\n");
- } else if (i == BOOT_FB_CROP_B) {
- ret = kstrtou32(boot_fb_str, 16, &src_crop_b);
- if (ret)
- pr_warn("parse src_crop_b fail!\n");
- } else {
- break;
- }
- if (p == NULL)
- break;
- boot_fb_str = p + 1;
- }
- } else {
- __wrn("no boot_fb0\n");
- return -1;
- }
- dst_addr = (char *)(info->screen_base);
- dst_width = info->var.xres;
- dst_height = info->var.yres;
- dst_bpp = info->var.bits_per_pixel;
- dst_stride = info->fix.line_length;
- if ((src_phy_addr == NULL)
- || (src_width <= 0)
- || (src_height <= 0)
- || (src_stride <= 0)
- || (src_bpp <= 0)
- || (dst_addr == NULL)
- || (dst_width <= 0)
- || (dst_height <= 0)
- || (dst_stride <= 0)
- || (dst_bpp <= 0)
- || (src_bpp != dst_bpp)) {
- __wrn
- ("wrong para: src[phy_addr=%p,w=%d,h=%d,bpp=%d,stride=%d], dst[addr=%p,w=%d,h=%d,bpp=%d,stride=%d]\n",
- src_phy_addr,
- src_width, src_height, src_bpp, src_stride, dst_addr,
- dst_width, dst_height, dst_bpp, dst_stride);
- return -1;
- }
- map_offset = (unsigned long)src_phy_addr + PAGE_SIZE
- - PAGE_ALIGN((unsigned long)src_phy_addr + 1);
- src_addr = (char *)Fb_map_kernel_cache((unsigned long)src_phy_addr -
- map_offset,
- src_stride * src_height +
- map_offset);
- if (src_addr == NULL) {
- __wrn("Fb_map_kernel_cache for src_addr failed\n");
- return -1;
- }
- src_addr_b = src_addr + map_offset;
- if ((src_crop_b > src_crop_t) &&
- (src_height > src_crop_b - src_crop_t) &&
- (src_crop_t >= 0) &&
- (src_height >= src_crop_b)) {
- src_height = src_crop_b - src_crop_t;
- src_addr_b += (src_stride * src_crop_t);
- }
- if ((src_crop_r > src_crop_l)
- && (src_width > src_crop_r - src_crop_l)
- && (src_crop_l >= 0)
- && (src_width >= src_crop_r)) {
- src_width = src_crop_r - src_crop_l;
- src_addr_b += (src_crop_l * src_bpp >> 3);
- }
- // 旋转图片数据
- // rotateImage180(src_addr_b, src_width, src_height, src_bpp, src_stride);
- if (src_height < dst_height) {
- int dst_crop_t = (dst_height - src_height) >> 1;
- dst_addr += (dst_stride * dst_crop_t);
- } else if (src_height > dst_height) {
- __wrn("src_height(%d) > dst_height(%d),please cut the height\n",
- src_height,
- dst_height);
- Fb_unmap_kernel(src_addr);
- return -1;
- }
- if (src_width < dst_width) {
- int dst_crop_l = (dst_width - src_width) >> 1;
- dst_addr += (dst_crop_l * dst_bpp >> 3);
- } else if (src_width > dst_width) {
- __wrn("src_width(%d) > dst_width(%d),please cut the width!\n",
- src_width,
- dst_width);
- Fb_unmap_kernel(src_addr);
- return -1;
- }
- src_cp_btyes = src_width * src_bpp >> 3;
- src_addr_e = src_addr_b + src_stride * src_height;
- for (; src_addr_b != src_addr_e; src_addr_b += src_stride) {
- memcpy((void *)dst_addr, (void *)src_addr_b, src_cp_btyes);
- dst_addr += dst_stride;
- }
- //再此地方旋转修改
- dst_addr = (char *)(info->screen_base);
- rotateImage180(dst_addr, dst_width, dst_height, dst_bpp, dst_stride);
- Fb_unmap_kernel(src_addr);
- memblock_free((unsigned long)src_phy_addr, src_stride * fb_height);
- free_reserved_area(__va(src_phy_addr), __va(src_phy_addr + PAGE_ALIGN(src_stride * fb_height)), 0x00, "logo buffer");
- return 0;
- }
复制代码 旋转180函数:
放在 tina-r528\lichee\linux-5.4\drivers\video\fbdev\sunxi\disp2\disp\dev_fb.c
注意此处由于申请的内存空间比较大,所以用的是vmalloc- void rotateImage180(char* src_addr, int width, int height, int bpp, int stride) {
- // 计算每行像素数据的字节数
- int row_bytes = width * (bpp / 8);
- char * src_addr_e = src_addr + stride* height; //最后的地址位置
- // 创建临时缓冲区用于保存旋转后的图像数据
- char* temp_data = vmalloc(row_bytes * height);
- int y=0,x=0;
- // 复制旋转后的图像数据到临时缓冲区
- for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- char* src_row_start = src_addr + (y * stride);
- char* dest_row_start = temp_data + ((height - 1 - y) * row_bytes);
- // 复制像素数据并进行左右翻转
- for ( x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- char* src_pixel = src_row_start + (x * (bpp / 8));
- char* dest_pixel = dest_row_start + ((width - 1 - x) * (bpp / 8));
- // 复制像素值
- memcpy(dest_pixel, src_pixel, (bpp / 8));
- }
- } //printk("----%s--%d\n",__func__,__LINE__);
- // 将旋转后的图像数据写回原始内存地址
- for (; src_addr != src_addr_e; src_addr += stride) { //循环复制每一行
- memcpy((void *)src_addr, (void *)temp_data, row_bytes);
- temp_data += row_bytes; //地址是增加地址宽度
- }
- //printk("----%s--%d\n",__func__,__LINE__);
- // 释放临时缓冲区
- vfree(temp_data);
- }
(67条消息) uboot修改启动logo-sunxi_u-boot启动时改横屏_Chasing_Chasing的博客-CSDN博客
【FAQ】全志F133(D1s)芯片 如何在Tina下进行显示旋转? | 全志在线开发者论坛 (aw-ol.com)
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