--//-e后面那一串什么意思,即使看了man dc文档,我当时也没看懂表示什么意思.尝试看了man文档,简单解析如下:
Makes a string containing characters (contained between balanced [ and ] characters), and pushes it on the stack.For
example, [foo]P prints the characters foo (with no newline).
Pop the value off the top of the stack and store it into register r.
Pushes the current stack depth: the number of objects on the stack before the execution of the z command.
Pops two values off the stack and compares them assuming they are numbers, executing the contents of register r as a
macro if the original top-of-stack is greater. Thus, 1 2>a will invoke register a's contents and 2 1>a will not.
从堆栈中弹出两个值,并比较它们,假设它们是数字,执行寄存器r的内容作为一个宏,如果原始的堆栈顶部更大。因此,1 2>a 将调用
注册a的内容,而 2 1>a将不会。
--//主要为了下面 |